Awesome Series on Seerah!

I found a beautiful link some days ago. It’s a series on Seerah an Nabawiyyah which is very well done, Masha’Allah. Find the link here. Jazakillah Khayr to the sister at Al Muqarraboon

About MuQeet

This is MuQeet. Teacher by profession and writer by passion
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4 Responses to Awesome Series on Seerah!

  1. Wa iyakum, alhamdulillah that I had the chance to stop by here. May Allah swt allow your blog to be a means by which you earn His love. Ameen

  2. MuQeet says:

    Jazakillah Khayr. May Allah accept your du’aa. Aameen. Vassalam.

  3. Rakhshanda Hussain says:

    I don’t have words to describe what i felt going thru your blog, its a feeling of achievement letting know the world and make them look at us see who we are, what we can do. May your blog make us become victorious in this world and Hereafter.

  4. MuQeet says:

    Dear sister, Assalamu Alaikum.
    I humbled by your words. I can only say: هذا من فضل ربّ
    “This is from the Blessings of my Lord”.
    Yes sister, Muslims can do wonders if they take the Qur’an and the Sunnah to their hearts.
    May Allah reward you, accept and answer your du’aa. Aameen.
    Jazakillah Khayr.

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